Saturday, January 5, 2008

Day 5

Oh my goodness I can not believe I managed another layout tonight. It felt really good to again just do it. I have had this Halloween title for a few years. I have said oh it's so neat I want to use it on a really awesome page, But the way I am you can tell it wasn't happened. So tonight for the 31 day Challenge I used it, and you know it felt great. This challenge is really great--I am getting things out of there package and into my scrapbook, I am not worrying about is this straight, or is there a better color for this or blah blah. I can normally find a million reasons to not do something or other things that I think I need to do instead, But this is changing me. Tonight I was almost lazy and said no I'm not going to scrapbook but then I thought what a quitter I had to real excuse to not do a page. So here it is, I know things aren't lined up perfect and I could have done more but that's OK......

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